最近收到国际GRC协会年会信息,2015年国际GRC将于明年四月在西亚的迪拜举行。此次年会将围绕环境友好、新技术研究与开发、新产品与应用领域、设计与综述等方面交流GRC新进展与未来发展问题。上届年会于2011年9月在土耳其的伊斯坦布尔举行,协会曾组织会员单位20余人参会并对英国GRC建筑进行了考察。 协会将在今年年会期间商讨组团参加2015年国际GRC年会事宜。
Call for papers
We are now calling for papers on the following, although not exclusive, themes of:-
Innovation and research创新和研究
New applications and projects新应用和新工程
Market development市场发展
Production technology生产技术
Earthquake/seismic considerations抗震技术
Sustainable GRC GRC的可持续发展
Application in street furniture, leisure or sport园艺、休闲和体育场所的应用
Authors are invited to submit an abstract of approximately 200 words on the understanding that, if accepted, they will provide a full paper and present it at the Congress in April 2015. Brief details of the author(s) should also be given. Abstracts on the above topics must be submitted by 1 October 2014.
Abstracts can be submitted via www.grca.org.uk/congress where you can also register your interest in the congress. Alternatively you may email your abstract and brief author details direct tocongress2015@grca.org.uk
Accepted authors will be sent instructions on the preparation of papers. Full written papers will be required by 31 January 2015 to ensure that the Proceedings are available at the Congress to all congress delegates and authors.